Who is Hetty Alice?

Hetty Alice is named in honor of Gavin’s maternal Grandmother. Hetty was born in a “dugout” (an earthen floored dwelling) in Oklahoma in 1928. Her mother, Odessa, had married at thirteen to a man more than twice her age, and later, after mother and children relocated to California, Hetty would recall that her only memory of her father was him chasing her through the house with a broom. And yet in the face of this hardship, and the many that followed throughout her life, Hetty was overwhelmingly optimistic, kind, welcoming, crafty and generous. She was the kind of person to set an extra place at the table “just in case.”

Late in life, when she was having difficulties with pain and mobility due to arthritis and ailing health, the doctor asked if she’d been feeling depressed. Hetty looked him square in the eye and replied “I’ve never been depressed a day in my life.” Hetty Alice Beers seeks to honor Hetty and her sunny outlook by welcoming an ever-widening audience into the craft beer space. We use the world’s best ingredients to produce ales and lagers of the highest quality, and we have a great time doing it. 

We have deep roots in the Northwest and seek to protect it in any way we can. To this end, we use compostable 4pk carriers and 100% recyclable printed cans, and have joined 1% For the Planet. By focusing on a triple bottom line, we like to think we’re making Hetty proud.